:)day 3 started at 9am today, one hour earlier than the 1st 2 days.
We dropped him off at school and when the teacher wanted to take him, he clinged on to me.. but luckily the teacher was quite patient and when she finally carried him, she whisked him off to see the xmas decorations which he was quite interested in. Then the crying stopped.. me and sari hurried off :)
Teacher Yati said that he was enjoying himself during the xmas party and had lots of fun but when it was time to go back to class, he cried again... its called the transition and guess its normal. Then he had lunch.. hmm, seems that he is quite adventurous when it comes to food but doesn't like fishball. Vomited a bit of his lunch out cos he was eating too fast.
Then we came by at 1pm to pick him.. actually he was ok but when the teacher said home time, he started crying again.. maybe he was tired cos he woke up at 6am this morning.
So far so good still..Hope he gets better!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Uncle Gav is in town!
Uncle Gavin is in town!
The Big One and Gavin are super close cousins.. in fact he was the best man at our wedding and of cos the Big One was the best man at his wedding too. They spent lots of time together in Adelaide whilst growing up and like the Big One would say, Gav is like his own brother :)
Uncle Gav and Aunty Karen stayed at our place for the first time and i would say that the Little One helped played host every morning...hahah.. by banging at their bedroom door and telling them to wake up!
It was a short one week.. but a week that was filled with lots of laughs and funny moments and of cos not to mention, lots of male bonding time for the guys and the food.. oh, don't even go there.. we have all positvely put on a few pounds thanks to all the dinners and extra meals!
Well, Uncle Gav is off to Hong Kong and left behind a set of beautiful photos that he took.. Here are 2 of mine favourites :)

The Big One and Gavin are super close cousins.. in fact he was the best man at our wedding and of cos the Big One was the best man at his wedding too. They spent lots of time together in Adelaide whilst growing up and like the Big One would say, Gav is like his own brother :)
Uncle Gav and Aunty Karen stayed at our place for the first time and i would say that the Little One helped played host every morning...hahah.. by banging at their bedroom door and telling them to wake up!
It was a short one week.. but a week that was filled with lots of laughs and funny moments and of cos not to mention, lots of male bonding time for the guys and the food.. oh, don't even go there.. we have all positvely put on a few pounds thanks to all the dinners and extra meals!
Well, Uncle Gav is off to Hong Kong and left behind a set of beautiful photos that he took.. Here are 2 of mine favourites :)
Pictures from our Xmas outing at Orchard Road
Sari and I brave the crowds to bring the Little One to see the Orchard Road light up :) Since we went without the stroller, we had to take turns to carry the little One since it was pretty much too crowded for him to be walking around too. And Boy was it crowded!
First stop - Ion Orchard. A first visit for me, sari and little One since its opening. quite sua ku right?
The Little One was looking at the lights outside Ion Orchard..
First stop - Ion Orchard. A first visit for me, sari and little One since its opening. quite sua ku right?
Photo from the 1st Day of School
Dear Little One, today was your 2nd day at school. We dropped you off at school today. You are the only one at school today becos the rest of your classmates were at a excursion at Hort Park. Your teacher, Hu Lao Shi spent the day for one-on-one time with you since you were the only kid in the school. You were crying for a while when we left, but Teacher Hu managed to pacify you and play with you.. she told us that you were throwing a tantrum on the floor, but when she took out the toys, you peeked at her playing and you soon joined in the fun!
You also ran around the classroom and played with the train set :) Teacher took some pictures of him using her hp and you loved looking at it! You also had fried rice for lunch today and even had a bath in school :)
We are so proud of you, Little One!! Well Done on your 2nd Day!
Love Mummy
Sunday, December 20, 2009
21 Dec - First Day At Playschool
:) The Little One started playgroup class today at 10am.
Don't know who was more nervous - The Big One, Me or the Little One. At 9am, we went through the routine of getting him ready for school... first the school uniform, then the packing of the school bag, then the mandatory taking of some pictures of him in his school uniform (all the cameras, Hp cameras were whipped out!) then finally the putting on of shoes and off we went!
He was quite happy and went straight for a playslide and seemed a bit curious s to what this all was about. Then it was time for us to make our move... when we said bye bye to him.. he actually turned around to the teacher and said bye bye.. yikes!
Then the teacher said its time to get into class... and brought him in. No wailing yet.. but after we left and he was done roaming around the classroom, the teacher said he went looking for us and when he didn't see us there, that's when the wailing began. He was strong and fought with the teacher. Guess he was tired already cos after crying for a while, he fell asleep on the teacher's lap. She couldn't even put him down on the mat, and had to endure the 30min nap :)
After he woke up, the teacher manage to feed him a little of the lunch and he ate up .. then she changed him and it was almost time to go home. When she mentioned home, he cried a bit again.. but he was all smiles when he saw us ....
So far so good.. it doesn't seem that bad. Day 2 tomorrow :)
Don't know who was more nervous - The Big One, Me or the Little One. At 9am, we went through the routine of getting him ready for school... first the school uniform, then the packing of the school bag, then the mandatory taking of some pictures of him in his school uniform (all the cameras, Hp cameras were whipped out!) then finally the putting on of shoes and off we went!
He was quite happy and went straight for a playslide and seemed a bit curious s to what this all was about. Then it was time for us to make our move... when we said bye bye to him.. he actually turned around to the teacher and said bye bye.. yikes!
Then the teacher said its time to get into class... and brought him in. No wailing yet.. but after we left and he was done roaming around the classroom, the teacher said he went looking for us and when he didn't see us there, that's when the wailing began. He was strong and fought with the teacher. Guess he was tired already cos after crying for a while, he fell asleep on the teacher's lap. She couldn't even put him down on the mat, and had to endure the 30min nap :)
After he woke up, the teacher manage to feed him a little of the lunch and he ate up .. then she changed him and it was almost time to go home. When she mentioned home, he cried a bit again.. but he was all smiles when he saw us ....
So far so good.. it doesn't seem that bad. Day 2 tomorrow :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
What Mummy has been up too
Being addicted to home interior blogs that is...
Ever since we decided to stay put in our current place for at least the next 10 years (don't ask me to explain the maths behind that) and hence have embark on our home renovation journey, i have been endlessly surfing the internet for home reno/deco ideas. So i tot i will blog about it and list down the few sites that i have been so so so in love with!
1. Apartment Therapy : www.apartmenttherapy.com - the pictures here are to die for! and i so so so love the ohdeeoh section which shows amazing children rooms. Giving me all the inspiration and courage to create something totally amazing for the Little One.
2. Desire to Inspire - the name of the site says it all isnt' it? www.desiretoinspire.net
3. Design public (www.designpublic.com) for oh so wonderful and modern furniture concepts
4.http://decor8blog.com/ - which shows such wonderful gallery pictures of beautiful beautiful rooms.. sigh..
Of course there are lots more.. but these 4 main sites is providing me with enough drool factor.. enough to surf through the hours of the night.. when i should really be sleeping! :)
Ever since we decided to stay put in our current place for at least the next 10 years (don't ask me to explain the maths behind that) and hence have embark on our home renovation journey, i have been endlessly surfing the internet for home reno/deco ideas. So i tot i will blog about it and list down the few sites that i have been so so so in love with!
1. Apartment Therapy : www.apartmenttherapy.com - the pictures here are to die for! and i so so so love the ohdeeoh section which shows amazing children rooms. Giving me all the inspiration and courage to create something totally amazing for the Little One.
2. Desire to Inspire - the name of the site says it all isnt' it? www.desiretoinspire.net
3. Design public (www.designpublic.com) for oh so wonderful and modern furniture concepts
4.http://decor8blog.com/ - which shows such wonderful gallery pictures of beautiful beautiful rooms.. sigh..
Of course there are lots more.. but these 4 main sites is providing me with enough drool factor.. enough to surf through the hours of the night.. when i should really be sleeping! :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The one about Fishes
Came back home slightly earlier today and had the chance to goof around with the Little One at home..
This boy is really getting more and more ah beng.. he was pushing his little red car all around the house, just deliberately to bang into people (meaning me and sari) and the furniture. Had to put a stop to it before my sofa gets more damaged then it already is.
Brought him upstairs to pay a visit to Matt and Mandy :) His favourite kid neighbours who are about 10 and 5 years told. (his favourite neighbour is still uncle ranjan and aunty pauline who just live next door to us).. Matt was showing the Little One his new guppies and the Little One was duely impressed! Kept saying "fish fish".
But what really suprised me was that when Matt was playing a computer game that had fishes on it.. the Little One pulled me away from the sofa and kept wanting to go to the fish tank. It didn't occur to me that he was trying to tell me that its both about fishes! Until about the 2nd time, was wondering why the Little One kept running to and fro the fish tank and computer that i realised.. Ohhh, so that's what he was trying to tell me! Was quite suprised that he could make such a co-relation. Hmm.. wonder what type of new developmental skill that is.
:) nevertheless was happy that i was around to see it today!
This boy is really getting more and more ah beng.. he was pushing his little red car all around the house, just deliberately to bang into people (meaning me and sari) and the furniture. Had to put a stop to it before my sofa gets more damaged then it already is.
Brought him upstairs to pay a visit to Matt and Mandy :) His favourite kid neighbours who are about 10 and 5 years told. (his favourite neighbour is still uncle ranjan and aunty pauline who just live next door to us).. Matt was showing the Little One his new guppies and the Little One was duely impressed! Kept saying "fish fish".
But what really suprised me was that when Matt was playing a computer game that had fishes on it.. the Little One pulled me away from the sofa and kept wanting to go to the fish tank. It didn't occur to me that he was trying to tell me that its both about fishes! Until about the 2nd time, was wondering why the Little One kept running to and fro the fish tank and computer that i realised.. Ohhh, so that's what he was trying to tell me! Was quite suprised that he could make such a co-relation. Hmm.. wonder what type of new developmental skill that is.
:) nevertheless was happy that i was around to see it today!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Pictures from our home reno outings
The weekends have been hectic.. with trips to Barang Barang and the ever lovely Ikea to check out the ideas..
Took the chance to snap some pictures of the Little One cos i realised i haven't taken shots of him in a while.. hmmm..
Here's him posing next to some necklaces at Barang Barang.. now, don't ask me why there are necklaces there and why he likes playing with them!!
Mummy.. am i posing right??
Took the chance to snap some pictures of the Little One cos i realised i haven't taken shots of him in a while.. hmmm..
Here's him posing next to some necklaces at Barang Barang.. now, don't ask me why there are necklaces there and why he likes playing with them!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The things he says
The Little One has been practising to talk! And OMG, he chooses to do it in the wee hours of the morning like at 3am. Well, in a way, i am happy that he is learning how to form phrases (but only 2-3 words long!) but last night i told him, can you pls do it in the mornings instead? :( giving me panda eyes...
Here are some of the phrases we have heard him say:
1. Fly away - As in the nursery rhyme "Two little dicky birds sitting on the wall, One name Peter, One name Paul.. Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul.. come back Peter, come back Paul". The little One can fill in the blanks at the fly away part when we sing this rhyme and do the action too!
2. Papa car - he says this when The Big One goes to get the car from the carpark
3. Oh no! -Yes, he says this with a big exclaimation mark too! Oh no... and he shakes his head
4. Come back - so far, only heard him say this once..
5. What to do? - hahah.. sari heard him say this when erhmm.. he was expelling some air..hhahahha..
6. Mummy mum mum.. Daddy mum mum - pls join me in eating
7. Please and "tsssss" - Okie, this means please and thank you.. not sure why his thank you is "tssss"
8. "Oh no.. oh..toka toka toka toka" - We still have reeally figure this one one yet
9. Close Door
:) last night, when i was putting him to bed, i told him that its cold and Mummy would like to have a blanket.. The Little One actually brought me my blanket and layed it on me :) quite sweet right? Well, this is one of his sweeter moments, amist the crazy monster ones that drive us nuts!
Here are some of the phrases we have heard him say:
1. Fly away - As in the nursery rhyme "Two little dicky birds sitting on the wall, One name Peter, One name Paul.. Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul.. come back Peter, come back Paul". The little One can fill in the blanks at the fly away part when we sing this rhyme and do the action too!
2. Papa car - he says this when The Big One goes to get the car from the carpark
3. Oh no! -Yes, he says this with a big exclaimation mark too! Oh no... and he shakes his head
4. Come back - so far, only heard him say this once..
5. What to do? - hahah.. sari heard him say this when erhmm.. he was expelling some air..hhahahha..
6. Mummy mum mum.. Daddy mum mum - pls join me in eating
7. Please and "tsssss" - Okie, this means please and thank you.. not sure why his thank you is "tssss"
8. "Oh no.. oh..toka toka toka toka" - We still have reeally figure this one one yet
9. Close Door
:) last night, when i was putting him to bed, i told him that its cold and Mummy would like to have a blanket.. The Little One actually brought me my blanket and layed it on me :) quite sweet right? Well, this is one of his sweeter moments, amist the crazy monster ones that drive us nuts!
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