Sunday, March 6, 2011

The one about the big poop!

Disgusting tittle but ;) hey I never knew it would be so satisfying to blog about my son's poop. Cos he finally did his first bm poopie in the toliet bowl on 2 march!!! Yeah!
Many thanks to his teacher in school for showing him how his classmates did it. Had to enlist the teacher's help cos he was terrified of sitting on the toliet bowl. I think he wad scared of getting flushed away! After a kind demonstration from his classmate, he bravely sat on the training seat and did his first "plong". Of cos sari and I cheered him on!
As for the pee pee part, he used to refused to go to the toliet. After about 2 weeks of training in school and at home, I can say that he goes without much resistance now. In school he tells his teachers that he needs to pee but at home he doesn't. Think the tv is far more interesting! I get him to go about once an hour and so far, we still have accidents but we are getting there. School has also started to train him to nap without diaper but I am not so brave yet ;(
When we go out he normally wears a diaper but we take him to the loo, and sometimes I notice that he has stayed dry! Yippy!
So that concludes the update on the potty status. I now truly believe the words of wisdom " when he is ready, it will happen"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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