Monday, March 7, 2011

Pumping like a cow??

For the record, I am writing this post with one hand via the iPhone whilst carrying the little one.
He hasn't pooped in three days so he is extremely cranky and can't nap unless he is carried..
This has nothing to do with the tittle of my post ..oppps!
Okie since I have said before that for this child I am doing exclusive pumping, I thoughti will post about the volumes I pump. During his hospitalization for jaundice, I started to pump. At that time, he was about 14 days old and I could only get 70ml per 2-3 hours. High stress made it worst. I bought a tin of formula cos I was convinced that I needed to use it during the stay. ;) thankfully it remained unused.
Got home and brought the tin home... With lots of fish soup and red date tea, volumes started going up - now it was 90ml per 2 hours. Pumping was like a ritual for me. Each time he was fed via the bottle by cl, I would pump and I kept this up even at nights. I was convinced that once cl went home, my volumes will drop cos how can I pump and feed him? Thankfully hubby was v supportive and said he will do the night feeds.
After cl left, I was managing about 120ml per pump, sometimes 150ml. Fridge ran out of space and a day before his full month, I bought a freezer!!! Was proud of my milk stash!
So in the 2nd month of pumping, I would average 200ml per pump and now it's at 3 hours intervals with a 5 hour stretch at night. This would be about 1.2 litre each day which is about equal to the amount he consumes ;)
That I think qualifies me for cow status!

As for pumps, I now have two .. Pisa and freestyle, both medelas. ;) freestyle when I am out or need to pump in the living room whilst rocking the baby on his rocker, and Pisa for the stronger suctions when I need it in the nights and mornings (otherwise it will take too long and I will fall asleep pumping).
And I have a stock of nursing teas, pills and supplements ;) mooo mooo! Hopefully all this will continue to help me reach my goal of 6 months!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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