Sunday, February 28, 2010

New words

GeoTagged, [N1.32107, W103.93428]

Today we heard him say a few new words... Poke (when I was teaching him to use his fork to pick up the potatoes), down (when he was pushing the plunger of the teapot) and ya, his version of yes I guess. It's a departure from the usual no that we hear. Now you ask him if he wants to go walk, go out, eat dessert, his reply will be, ya! Sari says it's her Malay speech getting into him. That made me wonder if his ramblings are Malay words?

We had a good dinner with the big one's parents at kallang. The little one really took advantage of his grandfather by making him bring him for walks the whole night . Poor man didn't even eat! But could tell that he was so happy just because the little one is happy ;) actually both me and the big one have never seen such joy in the both of them and it is certainly something we both hope to see more often!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Must say that after the little one started school, he has picked up quite a number of chinese words. Since we speak mainly English at home, I am really thankfully for the exposure to Chinese that he is getting in school. Examples of the words he knows in chinese now are:
1. 1, 2 , 3,4 and 5
2. Mama, papa and ye ye
3. Wash
4. Brush - shua shua ya
5. Take - na
6. Car
7. Open

And he is picking up lots of new English words too! Like animal names like rooster, sheep, pig, cow, horse, goat. Shapes like star , circle, square, triangle. Vocabulary is really increasing but still not speaking as much as some other kids. But am proud of him ;) and happy that he is happy healthy and learning!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

He bit a friend

The little one bit a friend in school today. From what I heard, they were fighting over something in school when it happened. Sigh, you might say boys are boys but he actually bit a girl! Felt so bad that when I got home, I immediately asked him, " is it ok to bite your friends?" and for he whose standard reply is no to everything, he actually nodded and said "yes" . Fainted. I tested him by asking again "justin cannot bite your friends right?" answer is a very quick . "no" . So he can understand after all!

It got me thinking about how fast he is growing up and all the things he is learning. In a way I do feel gulity for not spending enough time with him to teach him. And half of the time he drives me crazy! Will my little wild boy ever grow up?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Just random thoughts

Noticed that the photos which i posted from iphone are not captured properly.. maybe i need to check the guide on how it can be properly done.. otherwise pple will think i take funny pictures right?

Anyways, just some thoughts on the Little One. Checked my calender and its just less than 2 months to his 2nd birthday. What has this mummy done ? nothing yet ;) well, compared to the 1st birthday, i have decided that the 2nd birthday will be a rather low key affair. No big parties and certainly no to 3 parties! At one stage i was contemplating if i should have a birthday party for him at home since the house will be nicely renovated and all.. then i tot that it would be too much of a rush to get everything done and decorated for the party. Too much work and just remembering the last birthday was tiring enough for me.

So this year, its going to be a bring a cake to school and sing happy birthday song, classroom party. simple and easy :) maybe just get another cake or something for the home one (as u can see, i am having cake fatigue from the 3 cakes i had for his 1st and the nightmare of trying to finishing eating them).

He is such a big boy now that sometimes i wonder, where is my sweet baby? Not that the terrible twos have really started and at this point, i hope that he doesn't get too much of the terrible twos. He is speaking a lot more and loves to sing and dance. most of the time, he is a happy little boy that makes us laugh in the mornings with his silly antics. He loves school and his teacher, which i am grateful for... just wish he will fall sick less often.

Now at 22 months, his world is full of cars, cars and more cars.. and the occassion truck! He is running everywhere and always exploring. Shelves and tables are no longer an obstacle to him cos he climbes them! yikes.. and no one is a stranger cos he is Mr super friendly!

There are times when i miss my "just laying here, drinking my milk and not doing much" baby, cos the little one is like a tornado that sweeps past the home. Yet, he is such good fun that we just want to hug and kiss him. One friend commented that we are quite a passionate family, always kissing him and hugging him.. it stopped me for a while cos i never thought that it would ever be any different. Can u hold ur kids at arms length?

So now while he will still stand still for me to kiss, he will get kisses everyday!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

With mummy

On a lazy Sunday afternoon while waiting for our pizza home delivery to arrive. The little one was such a good boy today ;) we were watching "so you think you can dance" and he was dancing along to the music! Super cute!

Friday, February 19, 2010

From my iPhone

After a huge meal , couldn't really fall sleep so decided to try blogging from my new toy! Finally done! So here is a recent photo of the little one taken on the eve of cny in his red car and the ultra man tshirt sari got him!must say that she really dotes on him.

Backdated stories

The mummy has just realised that for the month of Jan and Feb, she has clocked in a sad number of 6 posts. Tsk Tsk tsk... Well, certainly not because there are no stories to tell but just that there has been so much to do with so little time. But with my new iphone toy, perhaps there can be a way to do updates via the iphone? questions questions..

Well, the bug that i last posted about, turned into a week long stay at home for the Little One. It was the fever, which followed by a fake measles attack, which was damm ugly, followed by a cold. It was very stressful and we didn't feel all comfortable bringing him around for all the CNY visiting, so he had a smaller dose of it this year. We went to collect the ang paos on his behalf :) Luckily, after the cold, he is much better. Since school was closed on Wednesday, i let him stay at home for an another two days and over the weekend. Hopefully it will break the vicious cycle of him falling sick, getting well to fall sick again. Touch wood!

The Little One has discovered that climbing on top of his little tikes car is quite fun and has been trying to do that all the time! its quite funny but of cos the good parent in us, tells him its dangerous and he could fall. Does he listen? No! he flips the car all over the place and climbs in and out of it .... well, as long as he doesn't hurt himself i guess its alright for the moment.

He has also discovered the iphone and all the game wonders and calls for the phone whenever he sees it. so i hide it away from his sight and only let him play for a while... its seriously addictive man! even for me :) and its amazing how fast kids learn with technology.. just a few tries and they get it already! unlike the slow me ...

Now, his favourite phrase is "no".. everything is 'No" with a shake of his head even. Ask him if he loves mummy,loves daddy.. the answer is no. Ask him if he likes cars.. he actually pauses to say yes.. but that is the only thing that makes he say yes! sigh.. so much for parenthood!

So enough for now.. home reno which starts after the CNY is killing me..

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sick again

Yes, he is sick again..

sigh.. ok, on one hand i know that this is part and parcel of adjusting to childcare but the other part of me feels so sad that my choice has caused this to happen. Big sigh.

Now he is running a temperature of 40 degrees... quite high for his standard and suprise suprise it is not his nose that is causing it. Doc said that its a viral infection.

So am on leave today and tom.. his yo-yoing fever is causing him and us much distress..

Monday, February 1, 2010


Got a message from the Little One's teacher that i am suppose to provide a photo of him as well as a family shot, for art and craft..

Went around searching the house in a frenzy and realised, oh no.. i haven't developed a photo of him since errrr.. shy to say, his 1st birthday. OMG! Have i been that lazy?

Realised that nowadays with digital photos, we can simply download it from our cameras and store it in our harddrives, without much need to develop them. but a full 9, 10 months without a photo of my little one? Hmm, that's a bit too long.

Will develop his pictures this weekend... there must be tons of it!