We usher the New Year with our new family member.. Jason Yong aka Baby Button. Alas both of the kids were down with a slight flu that made going out to visit a little difficult (thankfully they are both okie now) but they cooperated enough to allow Mummy and Daddy to still eat some Yusheng and distribute the red packets and of cos, for them to collect theirs too! What we forgot was to take a picture of all of us in our New Year clothes. :(
We are still trying to get adjusted to having the new baby in the house.. evening times are like a mad mad world in the house when Justin comes home and we are trying to get the 2 kids down for their beauty sleep. There are times when i still sneak out with Justin to have some alone time with him at the playground or just going to the nearby provision store or 7-11. Justin is acting up, and this means tantrums and this is a period where getting him to do anything requires a lot of patience on our parts. He yells and screams and yes, even hits (which warrents us to punish him quite often these days). It *pains* me and daddy to see him behave like that but there are times when no reasoning can work on him. Its just wondering if today will be a good day or not. The good news is that he is behaving well in school :) and i think perhaps that too, is an escape for him. I tell him every night that i love him and he replies " love u too mummy" which is the sweetest thing in the world! Then he proceeds to chatter about his day in school or his toys (which ever is his fancy) and sometimes drives me mad by refusing to sleep. Oh yes, i realise that he can recongize quite a number of chinese words already :P happy to know that school is teaching him lots.
As for the little J, he sleeps a lot during the day which makes the nights more difficult for me and daddy. As i mentioned before, this baby doesn't want to latch on and as a result i have been pumping like a cow for him. There are nights when i pray for him to latch just so that soothing him would be so much easier for me. Not to mention, we don't have to heat up the bm in the early wee hours of the morning and hear him scream while waiting for the milk. But what to do? Every baby is different and this one insists on being this way. Haven't venture far out with him yet cos i have really figured out the whole bringing milk out and then pumping routine for him. Guess there wouldn't be whole day out trips with this fellow.
Life with 2 kids is crazy... but when i see both of them smile, i tell myself, its all worth it!