Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Day 3 of school
We dropped him off at school and when the teacher wanted to take him, he clinged on to me.. but luckily the teacher was quite patient and when she finally carried him, she whisked him off to see the xmas decorations which he was quite interested in. Then the crying stopped.. me and sari hurried off :)
Teacher Yati said that he was enjoying himself during the xmas party and had lots of fun but when it was time to go back to class, he cried again... its called the transition and guess its normal. Then he had lunch.. hmm, seems that he is quite adventurous when it comes to food but doesn't like fishball. Vomited a bit of his lunch out cos he was eating too fast.
Then we came by at 1pm to pick him.. actually he was ok but when the teacher said home time, he started crying again.. maybe he was tired cos he woke up at 6am this morning.
So far so good still..Hope he gets better!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Uncle Gav is in town!
The Big One and Gavin are super close cousins.. in fact he was the best man at our wedding and of cos the Big One was the best man at his wedding too. They spent lots of time together in Adelaide whilst growing up and like the Big One would say, Gav is like his own brother :)
Uncle Gav and Aunty Karen stayed at our place for the first time and i would say that the Little One helped played host every morning...hahah.. by banging at their bedroom door and telling them to wake up!
It was a short one week.. but a week that was filled with lots of laughs and funny moments and of cos not to mention, lots of male bonding time for the guys and the food.. oh, don't even go there.. we have all positvely put on a few pounds thanks to all the dinners and extra meals!
Well, Uncle Gav is off to Hong Kong and left behind a set of beautiful photos that he took.. Here are 2 of mine favourites :)
Pictures from our Xmas outing at Orchard Road
First stop - Ion Orchard. A first visit for me, sari and little One since its opening. quite sua ku right?
Photo from the 1st Day of School
Dear Little One, today was your 2nd day at school. We dropped you off at school today. You are the only one at school today becos the rest of your classmates were at a excursion at Hort Park. Your teacher, Hu Lao Shi spent the day for one-on-one time with you since you were the only kid in the school. You were crying for a while when we left, but Teacher Hu managed to pacify you and play with you.. she told us that you were throwing a tantrum on the floor, but when she took out the toys, you peeked at her playing and you soon joined in the fun!
You also ran around the classroom and played with the train set :) Teacher took some pictures of him using her hp and you loved looking at it! You also had fried rice for lunch today and even had a bath in school :)
We are so proud of you, Little One!! Well Done on your 2nd Day!
Love Mummy
Sunday, December 20, 2009
21 Dec - First Day At Playschool
Don't know who was more nervous - The Big One, Me or the Little One. At 9am, we went through the routine of getting him ready for school... first the school uniform, then the packing of the school bag, then the mandatory taking of some pictures of him in his school uniform (all the cameras, Hp cameras were whipped out!) then finally the putting on of shoes and off we went!
He was quite happy and went straight for a playslide and seemed a bit curious s to what this all was about. Then it was time for us to make our move... when we said bye bye to him.. he actually turned around to the teacher and said bye bye.. yikes!
Then the teacher said its time to get into class... and brought him in. No wailing yet.. but after we left and he was done roaming around the classroom, the teacher said he went looking for us and when he didn't see us there, that's when the wailing began. He was strong and fought with the teacher. Guess he was tired already cos after crying for a while, he fell asleep on the teacher's lap. She couldn't even put him down on the mat, and had to endure the 30min nap :)
After he woke up, the teacher manage to feed him a little of the lunch and he ate up .. then she changed him and it was almost time to go home. When she mentioned home, he cried a bit again.. but he was all smiles when he saw us ....
So far so good.. it doesn't seem that bad. Day 2 tomorrow :)
Friday, December 11, 2009
What Mummy has been up too
Ever since we decided to stay put in our current place for at least the next 10 years (don't ask me to explain the maths behind that) and hence have embark on our home renovation journey, i have been endlessly surfing the internet for home reno/deco ideas. So i tot i will blog about it and list down the few sites that i have been so so so in love with!
1. Apartment Therapy : www.apartmenttherapy.com - the pictures here are to die for! and i so so so love the ohdeeoh section which shows amazing children rooms. Giving me all the inspiration and courage to create something totally amazing for the Little One.
2. Desire to Inspire - the name of the site says it all isnt' it? www.desiretoinspire.net
3. Design public (www.designpublic.com) for oh so wonderful and modern furniture concepts
4.http://decor8blog.com/ - which shows such wonderful gallery pictures of beautiful beautiful rooms.. sigh..
Of course there are lots more.. but these 4 main sites is providing me with enough drool factor.. enough to surf through the hours of the night.. when i should really be sleeping! :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The one about Fishes
This boy is really getting more and more ah beng.. he was pushing his little red car all around the house, just deliberately to bang into people (meaning me and sari) and the furniture. Had to put a stop to it before my sofa gets more damaged then it already is.
Brought him upstairs to pay a visit to Matt and Mandy :) His favourite kid neighbours who are about 10 and 5 years told. (his favourite neighbour is still uncle ranjan and aunty pauline who just live next door to us).. Matt was showing the Little One his new guppies and the Little One was duely impressed! Kept saying "fish fish".
But what really suprised me was that when Matt was playing a computer game that had fishes on it.. the Little One pulled me away from the sofa and kept wanting to go to the fish tank. It didn't occur to me that he was trying to tell me that its both about fishes! Until about the 2nd time, was wondering why the Little One kept running to and fro the fish tank and computer that i realised.. Ohhh, so that's what he was trying to tell me! Was quite suprised that he could make such a co-relation. Hmm.. wonder what type of new developmental skill that is.
:) nevertheless was happy that i was around to see it today!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Pictures from our home reno outings
Took the chance to snap some pictures of the Little One cos i realised i haven't taken shots of him in a while.. hmmm..
Here's him posing next to some necklaces at Barang Barang.. now, don't ask me why there are necklaces there and why he likes playing with them!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
The things he says
Here are some of the phrases we have heard him say:
1. Fly away - As in the nursery rhyme "Two little dicky birds sitting on the wall, One name Peter, One name Paul.. Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul.. come back Peter, come back Paul". The little One can fill in the blanks at the fly away part when we sing this rhyme and do the action too!
2. Papa car - he says this when The Big One goes to get the car from the carpark
3. Oh no! -Yes, he says this with a big exclaimation mark too! Oh no... and he shakes his head
4. Come back - so far, only heard him say this once..
5. What to do? - hahah.. sari heard him say this when erhmm.. he was expelling some air..hhahahha..
6. Mummy mum mum.. Daddy mum mum - pls join me in eating
7. Please and "tsssss" - Okie, this means please and thank you.. not sure why his thank you is "tssss"
8. "Oh no.. oh..toka toka toka toka" - We still have reeally figure this one one yet
9. Close Door
:) last night, when i was putting him to bed, i told him that its cold and Mummy would like to have a blanket.. The Little One actually brought me my blanket and layed it on me :) quite sweet right? Well, this is one of his sweeter moments, amist the crazy monster ones that drive us nuts!
Friday, November 27, 2009
What we have been up too
Mummy has been busy at work and also busy doing xmas shopping :) The Little One still has not been sleeping well so i am still seriously tired. Am wondering how long this phase will last.
The 18th month sleep regression is the pits man.. i need some sleep!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Dinner at Everything with Fries
Let me just say that we did not intend to go there for dinner.. but were trying to find our way around to Joo Chiat Complex. Yes yes, we do live in the East so it shouldn't have been that hard.. still we kindof got lost and we were hungry. Saw the resturant along the street and tot, hey why not just give it a try?
Food was so-so... the fries were good.. Perhaps becos it wasn't what we were craving for, it was just an okay meal for us. Decent prices though.
Tot this picture was so cute :) The Little One showing how he kisses his aunty sari... Awwww..
Reno in the House of Yongs
Hoping that it wouldn't take too long before we can unveil the changes!
Monday, November 9, 2009
A new frien :)
Mummy is tired
1. the Little One has been sleeping badly the past 1 week. Not sure why but he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. Panda eyes again.
2. Decided to spring clean the house and found that there is just too much stuff and no where to keep it
3. Hence the tots of having to renovate and build some storage space is creeping on me yet again! Yes, like the Big One so rightfully points so, this bug hits me about once every 6 months or so..
4. Becos of the reno bug, we schedule a meeting with an ID to explore how we were going to do reno while still staying in the house
5. After that 2 hours discussion with the ID on Saturday, decided that it is not possible at all to do reno while staying in the house
6. What we wanted to do, thank to the size of our house, is going to cost quite a bit.... including a almost total reorganisation of the layout of our rooms
7. Tired.. becos of all the tots and plans and future plans...
8. Think i shall just go to bed early :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
My auntie got me a doggie!!
Because u said i can't have a real dog, your sister.. aka my auntie had to get me a pet toy dog. All the way from Hong Kong! I love my doggie very much and i like to play House and Cooking with him. I also like to run around to chase my dog but my dog doesn't run very fast.
Can you pls tell my dog to speak to me in English? Cos i cannot understand what he is trying to say.. mostly "bow bow bow". And can i play with my dog more often? cos Mummy, u keep the dog away most of the time cos u said that doggie is very noisy.
Ur little One aka Prince and Emperor of the Household, second to only the Lord who is the Big One

The Doraemon Lantern
Here is a video of the Doraemon Lantern my mother got the Little One..
He enjoys running after the bubbles and catching them :)
Beach Outing with Daddy
Monday, October 26, 2009
The one about Blow
Will post the pictures of the family lunch later but what i wanted to pen down first (before my bad memory will allow me to forget) is that we taught the Little One a new word : Blow.
After singing the birthday song, the Big One tried cutting the cake. The Little One was screaming in protest about something. First thing that came to mind, was.. hmm, maybe he wants cake. So told the Big One to give him a piece of the choco cake. But the Little One's protests didnt end there. He was pointing to the table and in his usual insistent way, was trying to tell me that he wanted something. Finally, i realised that perhaps it was the candle cos it was quite colourful. Gave him the candle and he took it and stuck it on the cake and went "bllllloow.. blow" Eureka! The Little One wanted to blow out the candle!
The whole table started laughing and we sang the birthday song again and pretended to blow out the candle. The Little One followed suit! Blow blow!! We had to sing the song again to satisfy him but the smile on his face when he would blow out the candle, made it all worth while :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Officially an Elfa Kid
Well, so what about the Little One? We told ourselves that his choice mattered a lot too and so during the school hunting exercise, we paid close attention to what he would do or his behaviours when we were in the school. For some of them, he refused to let go of us,and for some, didn't seem quite interested. Elfa, however... perhaps thanks to Joyce's kids who also go to school there, when they saw him visit.. they took his hand and told him "come follow me" and off he went.. without even a glance back at dear old mummy!. This was also the school that Sari liked a lot :) and yes her choice matters too.
I had booked a slot for him to start at next year's playgroup class but after discussing with the Principal, we are going to start him on a half day programme from late December. So, we trooped down, the Big One , myself and the Little One to the school one Saturday to submit all the formal registration forms and the payment.
Here were some pictures that the Big One took of him whilst mummy was in the office. I was very happy when we bumped into his form teacher on the way to school and when teacher Yati said "justin , hold my hand".. he took her hand and walked in :) wow..of cos we were not far behind .. but was saying to myself.. Hope that he would be just as brave on his first day in school.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Cooking ...
So when i saw that a Kitchen Set was on sale at Toys R Us, i was super tempted. Ok, tempted enough to go out, with a toddler in tow,with my sister to brave the crowds at the store. The actual plan was to leave the Little One in my sister's care at her office whilst i go over to buy the set. Of cos that didn't happen cos he was refusing to let me leave, so told my sister, "errh, no choice.. i go first, then join u later."
The set i had in mind was from Mix and Match. Its a set that comes with a kitchen stove, an oven, and a sink. The good thing about this set is (other than its sale price), it allows u to assemble the kitchen in like 5 different ways.
Lugged it all the way back, with sister's help and had to wait for the Big One to get home to fix it together. And since the Little One was homegrounded thanks to his nose, we tot, why not.. let him play cooking.
Photos from the Brunch at Spruce
Situated at Phoneix Park, near Depmsey , it was the first time i have been there in ages. The Big One was on reservist that weekend so it was just be and the Little One. Caught a cab, lugging one heavy toddler and one bag containing his lunch and off we went to explore!
It was a bit confusing when we got there cos the taxi driver couldn't find the entrance to the resturant and it was starting to rain. Luckily managed to get to Spruce all in one piece and was the first one there too.. says much of my time management skills :)
Since the rest were on the way, i decided hmmm.. maybe just feed him his lunch first so that i wouldn't have too hungry a toddler to manage. It was good that i decided to bring his lunch cos the rain caused a temporary power shortage! OMG.... luckily i packed his meal.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Nose acting up again
So whilst still on the thoughts of school, tot that i should blog down what words i think he can say (not very clear yet but getting there):
1. Belly button -more like berrry botn
2. Head
3. teeth
4. Go
5. Stop
6. Door
7. Take (chinese version of "na")
8. Door
9. Sheep
10. Dog
11. Cat
12. Pig
14. Clap
15. Shoe
16. Car
17. Fish
18. Clock
19. Tv
20. Flower
21. Sock
22. Pants
23. Bread
24. Milk
25. Water
So far so good :) Probably will pick up more while in school!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Clingy Boy
With him having high fevers over the weekend, cos of the MMR jab that he took on Monday, it was tough looking after him on Sunday. I didn't sleep well the last 2 nights cos had to take care of him so when i woke up this morning, was totally tired out.
Never seen him had such high fevers before.. record was on Saturday afternoon when it rose to 39.4 degrees. Wow, panic man. had to sponge him down with ice water which made him scream his lungs out. Then made him take a bath to help bring down the temperature.. Luckily it did! And i think nerofen also helped a lot.
So on sunday, he was a winy, clingy, teary baby who refused to let me out of his sight and mummy had to do everything. and everything was a battle with him. It was tiring. wondering if it becos he is not feeling well? or its separation anxiety? cos he would go into bouts of crying and the next minute be totally alright.
Hope he gets better by tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Now he is scared of No
He will call for milk saying "neh neh" when he wants to take his milk and go for his nap and will complain if Sari is slow in making the milk :) hahah.. quite funny i tot.. Sari says he will stand by the kitchen table where the milk is kept and keep pointing "neh Neh" and stamp his feet if you are too slow. Then once u have the bottle of milk in hand, he holds your hand and leds you to the room where he will climb on the bed and wait for his milk!
Think he is teething again cos the drooling tap is on already...thankfully he is still eating like a horse!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wedding at St Regis
Was minful that the invite stated a formal dress code. And had to translate that into little toddler style. Felt that since we were not the VIPs, a shirt and pants combo should suffice for the Little One. Didn't want him to be uncomfortable at the event too since it was probably going to be long and it was the first wedding event that he has attended! Thankfully it was lunch.. would have left him at home if it was dinner cos i seriously doubt he could survive through the night.. or rather should i say, dont think we, as parents would have made it in one piece.
Granddad's birthday
It was fun celebrating at home! Happy Birthday to all of us :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Yes, No, Please, Thank You and Go!
Now, he can sign Please and Thank You but only when you do it along with him or when he really really wants something.
He shakes his head and says "No no no no" sometimes continuously.. quite funny at times and says, Yes , when he wants something.
But the new word for yesterday was "go go go go go".. he was "go go going" everywhere in the house. :)
Sunday Obstacle Course
Most of you know how crazy the Big One is about the Army. Always tell him that i think he is the most "on" reservist ever. But did u know that he is training the Little One at Home for the army already? Every Sunday, he builts an obstacle course for the little one at home, courtesy of my now very old and torn up and beaten up sofa cushions. Its like a play heaven to the Little One, something that only he gets to do when daddy is at home. Except that last Sunday, the Little One decided that "attacking" his father would be a greater challenge!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Happy Children Day
First stop, to the doc review where he was given the all clear.. the bad weather lately, with the bad haze and erratic rains caused his sensitive nose to act up. Luckily his blocked nose didn't get worse. Was reminded that he was overdue for his MMR jab but discussed with the doc and decided that we will get that done in about 2 weeks time, once he is all well again.
Then it was off to Aunty Susan's house again! Ginger, her dog wasn't at home cos he was off for a grooming session but the Little One still had loads of fun climbing up and down the steps and of cos, peering into the dog house to look for the dog! think he was a bit dissapointed that there was no dog this time around. He had some fun with the fountain and even went to Aunty Dorren's place for a short kids party.
Noticed that The Little One is quite comfortable at Aunty Susan's place, no doubt cos he is quite a regular there :)and am happy that he did not show any fear. Hopefully he will continue this when he starts school next year.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
With his aunty..

Trying to look cute in his silly face action again!
He has since recovered from his blocked nose episode - after some awful lot of mucus that we had to suck out of his nose and some sleepless nights. Last night, Sari told me that he has mastered the art of climbing onto the kitchen chair, with the aid of the table, stand on the chair and help himself to a chicken wing! And tonight, he repeated the act to reach for some vegs. What a monkey!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Big one is away
So in this 3 weeks, i have to entertain the Little One at nights, with the help of Sari of cos :) So far he has been good.. woke me up at midnight last night to talk to me...after some "conversation" i was really all zoned out. Had to get Sari's help to put him back to bed. Am still recovering from my F1 weekend of work.
More updates on this again.. tonight am going to crawl into bed early.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
New word this week
Tonight as i was putting him to bed and he was doing his usual going around the room to "check"(as in he would touch the cupboard "check", touch the door "check", touch the bed "check") he was saying "dorrr" when he was banging on the door.
The Little One was amused by the noise that he made when he was banging on the door and kept doing that a few times.. then he decided to bang on the wall, and eh, there was no sound. But he still said "dorr" :) guess it will take him some time to learn the word "wall".
Videos from the Long Weekend
At Chinese Garden and at Pasta Waraku at Changi Airport T2 :) Must listen hard to the background music in the 2nd video.. its very "retro".. we had to endure back to back songs from Michael Learns to Rock.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Chinese Garden
For the Hari Raya long weekend, sari had planned a picnic with her friends at Chinese Garden. Yes, the Chinese Garden that is err. so super far away from bedok. Asked her why not have the picnic at East Coast.. she said Chinese Garden is cleaner. Well, i guess there must be a reason.
So, we decided that we will join in the fesitivies and bring the Little One along, to the Garden :) its the Big One's 2nd time there, in his whole life since he was like 6, and for me, i think the last time i went there must have been in primary school. Can't remember much about it, except some photos taken during my last trip.
Took some pictures and a video of the Little One running around.. he had lots of fun with us plus like a whole kampong of helpers which turned up for the picnic. Had so much fun that he KO-ed in the car on the way home and continued his nap for another 2 hours. :) grins.. happy mummy.
Verdict - Its clean but still very ulu!
Will post the pictures and video soon.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
About rides
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Yakking on the phone
The two adults decided to hide the phone away, somewhere unreachable so that he would not see it. Guess what he does?
Press the "bell" on the phone cradle set.. it makes the phone beep away.. louder and louder.. and he goes searching for it! :) i guess the hiding tactic didnt quite work after all!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Some new words
1. Book -a bit more like "bbbbk"
2. Shoe - "sssho"
3. Bear - "bah"
Sari told me that while he was watching some Chinese gongfu drama serial this afternoon, with my grandma, the Little One was imitating the characters fight scene.. He was making all the "ggrrrr" noises and shaking his hands and legs and turning round and round! See, he is truly a Chinese Ah Pek in the making.. tsk tsk
My grandma is here to stay with us for the next two weeks :) the Little One has some company! and oh yes, Sari's friend, Amy came over to help give him a hair cut. Now he looks much more boyish.