Noticed lately that he is starting to recongize a few words like Duck, Dog, Cat, Flower, Truck, Butterfly and Caterpillar. When we are reading his story books, he will make a sound that sounds like those words :) Its quite cute! Both hubby and I are happy that he likes reading cos we are both avid readers and definately hope that he will pick up the habit too.
For before bedtime reading, The Little One reads with me 3 of his all-time favourite books: The Furry Caterpillar, The Flower and The Thing Under my Bed. The first 2 are animal stories of 3 main characters: Velvet (a zebra), Bamboo (a panda) and Beak (a pengiun). We bought them cos its quite a colourful illustrated book and the stories are quite catchy. I think the author is Australian. Anyway, it has 7 books in the series, but so far we have only got 4 of them. Still on the hunt for the rest whenever we visit the bookstores. The little One likes to flip the pages of the book (its not hardcover) and so some of the pages are torn now!

The 3rd book is written by a local author, descriping how a little boy named Buster would eat before bedtime and leave the rubbish under the bed, hence a monster visits him! Its quite a cute story, well, if u don't give the child nightmares about monsters under the bed. The LIttle One likes to imitate the monster sounds and goes "grillllll.. grilll.." each time we reach the page where the monster is featured. When we ask where is buster, he can point to the picture of the boy on the page. OK, he tore the last page of this book too..

He still has like 2 big boxes of books including some from Eric Carl that i bought at a spree. Maybe i will start introducing more to him since he has developed a liking for reading :) Can't wait to see hubby and him reading together!
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