Okie, can someone tell me why little toddlers fall sick so often? i know, its their way of building up their immunity and all but its so painful to see.
The Little One's school had a outbreak of chicken pox and so quite a lot of the kids were affected. Sigh, the good news is that he (mainly becos he got vaccinated against it) is safe from it (touchwood, cross fingers, cross toes), i think he caught another flu big again. So kept him at home with Aunty Sari and it was the drink lots of water, soups.. visit Dr Lim, usual routine.
Most of the mummies who have two will attest that once the older one falls sick, the baby usually follow suit. That thought is quite scary! Will be bf-ing the baby for as long as i can but not sure if giving the Little One some of baby's BM will help? I sure hope so, and i definately hope that the Little One will consume it. Maybe sneak it in his ceral or milk or something.
It will be the Little One's Year 2 in school next year and i sure hope that he will fall sick less often. Trying to adjust him to full day school is one thing... seeing him fall sick is yet a painful other that comes with it. Is there no solution other than letting him fall sick?
Cross fingers, toes and everything esle!
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