Just the week before I head back to work, sari went back for her 1 week vacation ad so me, was the official maid! Again, I don't know how she can look after the baby and still tackle all the household chores . Waising took leave the first three days and my mum the last 2 to help out and even with help, I could barely get anything done! Except cook for Justin. Blah, I make a super bad maid!
But on the more positive note, I got to bond with the baby cos I had to breastfeeding him - refuse to be bottle fed, and the experience was great! We even went to watch Kung Fu panda, with the big one really engrossed and the baby stuck to my boob! I now know what pple mean by " what ever works"!
These moments make me appreciate my family and all the ups and downs that come with it. No arrangement is perfect ;) but so long as the kids are happy and contended and we have enough, we are happy ;)
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