First, updates on the big J- he has finally managed to learn how to blow his nose at a grand age of 3.5 years. I have never been so excited to see snot. It was amazing! Hoping that this will help alleviate his nasal congestion, which to those who know us, has been a big problem for him.
So far, he has seen dr Leong of ascent ent who has recommended taking out his tonsils and adenoids so as to improve his passage way and try to recorrect his mouth breathing and lower jaw malacussion. Dr lim, his regular ped, suggested that we also see dr Ann Koh who is the head of the allergies unit in Kkh, to do a sleep study and see if operation is warranted. His study has been scheduled to be on 19th jan and I hope all will be smooth.
For now, it's the sterimar 3 times a day and blowing of nose. Hope it helps ;) it's crazy I know- even dr Ann koh was remarking that I sounded like a medical professional during the consult cos I could use all the technical terms. Things I learn becos of my son!

For small j - who I affectionately call, "ah j j", has been down with a cold and cough. Keeping us up all night with his insistence of moving round the bed. he is a feisty one and will put up a struggle in a fight with gor gor. Good weight of 11.4kg and 6 teeth at 9 months ;) but far far more active than Justin - very good crawler and already cruising with support. Favorite song is twinkle twinkle and loves mickey mouse! Whereas Justin is quite an easy going kid, Jason is more stubborn.. Omg!

We try to spend the weekends with them ;) Sundays are still most crazy cos sari is off. Now big j has 2 enrichment classes on sat- art and Chinese, so sat are dedicated to that. Evenings are usually out for dinner or just bringing big j out somewhere( often the airport!). Sundays used to be for big j eq class at hougang that we had to discontinue cos of sheer distance. So now, we are in search for another breakkie hangout on Sundays.
We dun have the luxury of bringing small j home for his naps but luckily he does sleep outside- still needs to be carried but better than nothing!

Two boys and me 2 Saturdays ago ;) teaching them to love one another as brothers each day seems to be the mantra!
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