This week is quite significant for me as the mummy of the Little One.
First the simple things, he is all well and given the all clear to go back to school last week but mummy wanted to keep him at home for another week so that he will be all well and good. He went back to school this week and only for 1/2 first :) He has regained all the weight that he has lost and is back to his usual bak bak self.
Second, yesterday was the first day of weaning.. yes, for those who do not know, the Little One (OMG!) was still nursing. Only for comfort cos he obviously eats enough and drink lots. I was waiting for him to self-wean but as his 2nd birthday drew closer and past, he was still nursing and in fact enjoyed it a lot. So yes, after bf-ing him for so long, it was a decision that mummy took to wean him starting from yesterday morning. He had his last sip on Monday morning and it has been more than 36 hours now. I think i miss it more than he does. Mummy told him that the boobies were hot and had to resort to applying vinger on the breast but when he took a sip of it, he said "hot" and promptly closed my t-shirt! This morning, he ask to nurse again but i told him, its hot and then he said "ok".
Why did i suddenly choose to stop.. it partially has got to do with his terrible twos.. On Sunday, he was throwing a tantrum and started crying.. he was yelling for "ne ne" which is his word to nurse and i didn't want to give in. I know that it has been his usual comfort tool, but i knew that it was high time he learnt to be comforted in other ways. He was yelling for it..and i knew that i had to stand my ground.
So, i did my research and braced myself for all the crying and yelling.. thankfully day 1 seems to have gone well. i hope that day 2 will be even smoother.
It represents his journey (well, in my eyes) as being a big boy now. It has been sometimes crazy with his struggles and "no nos" to everything but i hope that we can go through this together!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Size check!
Just a short note on the little one weight and height at 2 years old:
Height - 1
Weight - 14.4kg
Height - 1
Weight - 14.4kg
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Happy Birthday to Ah Boy
Happy Birthday The Little One, or Ah Boy as Auntie Sari calls u...

We are just so happy that you are so much better and can be discharged from hospital :P It is the best birthday present ever! We hope that you stay strong and healthy and happy!
We are just so happy that you are so much better and can be discharged from hospital :P It is the best birthday present ever! We hope that you stay strong and healthy and happy!
There wasn't a birthday party or a special birthday cake for you this year.. we didn't get the chance to do all that. But it was nevertheless a meaningful celebration for all of us this year, in our home. We all love you darling!
Hospital stay
It started out innocently as a block nose that didn't quite clear up. First Doc gave a course of antibotics before we left for Bali. And thankfully in Bali, perhaps thanks to the good weather and sunshine, the nose mucus said its good bye.
But once we came back to Singapore, his mucus started running again and by Friday, he started coughing. Was quite concern cos with his sensitive airways, brought him back to the doc to check it out. It wasn't anything serious cos it was not affecting the lungs yet. But doc said his nose is not clearing up as much as she would like so she gave a different set of meds.
He was coughing quite badly on Friday night and threw up phelgm 3 times that night. Gave a call to the doc on Sat to let her know cos i was wondering if the throwing up was related to the new meds. She assured me that it wasn't the meds but asked me if he was wheezing. Didn't think he was at that stage but she told me that if he started wheezing to call her back that night.
Perhaps he was too tired out so he went to bed early... by about ten, i could hear that his breathing was a bit loud. Told myself, let's see how it is like in the morning.
But lunchtime Sunday, i told the Big One.. the Little One doesn't look that good. Plus there was a werid rash on his backside that i only noticed after the doc visit on Friday and the rash was spreading. Wanted to put my mind at ease so i called Doc's emergency number and she very promptly called back. She said better to check him out. So we had an appointment to see her at 1plus at Eastshore. Quickly finished the lunch and went there.
One check from her-yes, he is wheezing and better to admit him for nebulizer treatment. Well, this doc doesn't believe in allowing parents to neb their kids at home and i knew it from a long time back. So it dind't quite come as a total suprise to me..but was quite sad cos it was going to be his 2nd birthday on Tuesday and i certainly did not envisage that he would be celebrating it in hospital! Had planned a birthday party for him in school and all! But all those plans had to be postponed.
He was his usual cheery self in the hospital and thank goodness he loved the cot and keep pointing to the picture of the rabbit in a car and said car car! We had to supply his usual stash of DVDs to keep him entertained plus iphone plus lots of visitors but am glad that doc cleared him to discharge on his birthday :)
it was good to go home.. cos it meant he was better and i didn't have to endure holding him down for any more neb sessions (he nearly boxed a nurse and broke the neb tube). He truely hates the thing!
It is our 2nd stay in East shore and the nurses which looked after him when he was first hospitalised at 2 months old, are still there! in the same ward :) it was nice cos they were all so friendly and helpful! The Little One even made some new friends with the other kids in the ward and he grew particularly attached to this little baby (15 days old) who was there with a high fever. The Little One would say 'baby baby go" and that meant he wanted to visit little baby. So sweet right?
Moral of the story - kids get sick fast and it can get worse quick. Am glad that i trusted my instincts to bring him to the doc on sunday. and double glad that he is all right now!
But once we came back to Singapore, his mucus started running again and by Friday, he started coughing. Was quite concern cos with his sensitive airways, brought him back to the doc to check it out. It wasn't anything serious cos it was not affecting the lungs yet. But doc said his nose is not clearing up as much as she would like so she gave a different set of meds.
He was coughing quite badly on Friday night and threw up phelgm 3 times that night. Gave a call to the doc on Sat to let her know cos i was wondering if the throwing up was related to the new meds. She assured me that it wasn't the meds but asked me if he was wheezing. Didn't think he was at that stage but she told me that if he started wheezing to call her back that night.
Perhaps he was too tired out so he went to bed early... by about ten, i could hear that his breathing was a bit loud. Told myself, let's see how it is like in the morning.
But lunchtime Sunday, i told the Big One.. the Little One doesn't look that good. Plus there was a werid rash on his backside that i only noticed after the doc visit on Friday and the rash was spreading. Wanted to put my mind at ease so i called Doc's emergency number and she very promptly called back. She said better to check him out. So we had an appointment to see her at 1plus at Eastshore. Quickly finished the lunch and went there.
One check from her-yes, he is wheezing and better to admit him for nebulizer treatment. Well, this doc doesn't believe in allowing parents to neb their kids at home and i knew it from a long time back. So it dind't quite come as a total suprise to me..but was quite sad cos it was going to be his 2nd birthday on Tuesday and i certainly did not envisage that he would be celebrating it in hospital! Had planned a birthday party for him in school and all! But all those plans had to be postponed.
it was good to go home.. cos it meant he was better and i didn't have to endure holding him down for any more neb sessions (he nearly boxed a nurse and broke the neb tube). He truely hates the thing!
It is our 2nd stay in East shore and the nurses which looked after him when he was first hospitalised at 2 months old, are still there! in the same ward :) it was nice cos they were all so friendly and helpful! The Little One even made some new friends with the other kids in the ward and he grew particularly attached to this little baby (15 days old) who was there with a high fever. The Little One would say 'baby baby go" and that meant he wanted to visit little baby. So sweet right?
Moral of the story - kids get sick fast and it can get worse quick. Am glad that i trusted my instincts to bring him to the doc on sunday. and double glad that he is all right now!
Pictures from Bali
Have been super busy trying to move back into our newly renovated place, plus unpack the house, that plus the Little One was hosptialised for wheezing (thankfully he is now discharged.. more of that in another post).
So, to follow on from my earlier post on our holiday in Bali. Here are the pictures.. well not all, just some of the ones i tot were really nice:)
Okay-Day 1/2
We took KLM to Bali.. pls remind me never to fly that carrier again. Even though it was a full service carrier, their service was definately not as "full" as i thought it would be. Nevertheless, it was a late afternoon flight at 4pm to Bali and the Little One was cranky like hell on board cos he had skipped his afternoon nap. Note to self - never book that flight time again. Luckily there were cartoons on board to entertain him a bit. But it was certainly a struggle trying to hold him still and getting him to cooperate when we had to fasten his seat belt.
So, by the time we arrived in Bali it was close to 8-9pm. Hence no pictures.
Day 2-Playing in Intercon!
Becos we got a cheap deal on KLM(perhaps that was the mistake!) we decided to splurge on a really nice hotel resort. After some research, we decided on Intercontinental Jimbaran Bay and upgraded ourselves to a Singaraja Room so that we have more space for boy to run around. It was definately a good choice cos the room was very spacious(sorry no photo cos forgot to take). And the hotel is very kids friendly with lots of open green ground for kids to play and a kiddies club which offered programmes at a reasonable rate. Here's the Littele One at the hotel playground doing a peekaboo with mummy!
Day 3 - Tour of Tanah Lot
After a day of resting in the hotel and getting over our flight experience, we called up the trusty Mr Suri tour guide whom was recommended by the Big One's parents. Not bad! He managed to do a tour for us at really last minute notice (we only called the night before after we determined that we should go visit a few places). We requested for 2 half day tours, bearing in mind the Little One's need for naps. So for the first tour, Mr Suri brought us to the Tanah Lot temple, which is a temple built on a cliff to worship the sea. The view was fantasic!

After the tour, we went back to the hotel for a nap(all of us) and in the afternoon, decided to catch the famous Jimbaran sunset. One of the reasons why we choose to stay in Intercon was also becos it had a private stretch of beach so we figurered it would be nice and Boy were we right! Here's me and the Little One at the sunset ....

And that afternoon, we decided to brave the beaches and brought the Little One on a small expedition on the sand. He didn't quite like it and was giving us werid looks all the time.

Mummy had the chance to play a bit with the sand while the Big One and kid went out to the waves!
So, to follow on from my earlier post on our holiday in Bali. Here are the pictures.. well not all, just some of the ones i tot were really nice:)
Okay-Day 1/2
We took KLM to Bali.. pls remind me never to fly that carrier again. Even though it was a full service carrier, their service was definately not as "full" as i thought it would be. Nevertheless, it was a late afternoon flight at 4pm to Bali and the Little One was cranky like hell on board cos he had skipped his afternoon nap. Note to self - never book that flight time again. Luckily there were cartoons on board to entertain him a bit. But it was certainly a struggle trying to hold him still and getting him to cooperate when we had to fasten his seat belt.
So, by the time we arrived in Bali it was close to 8-9pm. Hence no pictures.
Day 2-Playing in Intercon!
Becos we got a cheap deal on KLM(perhaps that was the mistake!) we decided to splurge on a really nice hotel resort. After some research, we decided on Intercontinental Jimbaran Bay and upgraded ourselves to a Singaraja Room so that we have more space for boy to run around. It was definately a good choice cos the room was very spacious(sorry no photo cos forgot to take). And the hotel is very kids friendly with lots of open green ground for kids to play and a kiddies club which offered programmes at a reasonable rate. Here's the Littele One at the hotel playground doing a peekaboo with mummy!
After a day of resting in the hotel and getting over our flight experience, we called up the trusty Mr Suri tour guide whom was recommended by the Big One's parents. Not bad! He managed to do a tour for us at really last minute notice (we only called the night before after we determined that we should go visit a few places). We requested for 2 half day tours, bearing in mind the Little One's need for naps. So for the first tour, Mr Suri brought us to the Tanah Lot temple, which is a temple built on a cliff to worship the sea. The view was fantasic!
After the tour, we went back to the hotel for a nap(all of us) and in the afternoon, decided to catch the famous Jimbaran sunset. One of the reasons why we choose to stay in Intercon was also becos it had a private stretch of beach so we figurered it would be nice and Boy were we right! Here's me and the Little One at the sunset ....
Day 4- Uluwatu
After a hearty breakfast, Mr Suri picked us up from the hotel and took us on a longer drive, south of Bali to a place called Uluwatu. Another temple, this one was built in the 16th century and was also to worship the sea. There are also monkeys in the nature reserve leading up to the temple. Like most places in Bali, in order to get to the sight, there is a lot of walking and climbing involved so trust me, both of us adults were exhausted by the time we reach the vantage point to catch the best view.
And that afternoon, we decided to brave the beaches and brought the Little One on a small expedition on the sand. He didn't quite like it and was giving us werid looks all the time.
Mummy had the chance to play a bit with the sand while the Big One and kid went out to the waves!
The hotel kids club organised a Easter Sunday Egg hunt for all the kids staying in the resort. It was really nice cos we got a personalised letter of inviation to join in! Decided that it would be nice for Justin to enjoy a Easter sunday so we accompanied him to the party. Must say that the staff put in a lot of effort in it cos there were a string of activies from egg painting, to egg and spoon races and finally the egg hunt and food! The Big One was game enough to bring the Little One on a egg and spoon race and it was loads of fun!

Till the next vacation!
That afternoon, we did a spot of shopping for some gifts at Kuta. The Big One really enjoyed our holiday and Bali and we hope that the next visit we can perhaps stay in Kuta.
Day 6-Last day
We didn't do anything much :) just wanted to enjoy the rest of our stay so we spend the time at the pool and the beach. So one last shot of the beach and us...leaving our footprints behind!
Till the next vacation!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Holiday in Bali
;) we are just back from a week in Bali! The little one had lots of fun with his first experience in swimming! At first he was rather scared of the water but after warming up, he took to it very well. He looked cute in his thomas the train swim wear . The big one also had fun in the sea and even lost his sunglasses!
Of cos we did the usual tour thing and did two half days of sightseeing and a bit if shopping. But most of the time we just lazed around in the hotel pool and our big room. The little one had the chance to watch quite a lot of tv ... Thanks to that he now can say the word "tv" and a phrase from his favourite cartoon "pit stop".
And boy did we spend on food! Becos we were in the hotel a fair bit, we ended up spending mostly on food and drinks... Lots of pasta, noodles and fried rice for the little one, with the occassional chicken porridge ;) luckily this trip around he took milk quite well so I wasn't that afraid that he wasn't eating.
We went to tanah lot and uluwatu for sightseeing and at certain times it was quite a steep climb that took a lot of effort from the big one specially. Still the view was very worth it!
Of cos we did the usual tour thing and did two half days of sightseeing and a bit if shopping. But most of the time we just lazed around in the hotel pool and our big room. The little one had the chance to watch quite a lot of tv ... Thanks to that he now can say the word "tv" and a phrase from his favourite cartoon "pit stop".
And boy did we spend on food! Becos we were in the hotel a fair bit, we ended up spending mostly on food and drinks... Lots of pasta, noodles and fried rice for the little one, with the occassional chicken porridge ;) luckily this trip around he took milk quite well so I wasn't that afraid that he wasn't eating.
We went to tanah lot and uluwatu for sightseeing and at certain times it was quite a steep climb that took a lot of effort from the big one specially. Still the view was very worth it!
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