But once we came back to Singapore, his mucus started running again and by Friday, he started coughing. Was quite concern cos with his sensitive airways, brought him back to the doc to check it out. It wasn't anything serious cos it was not affecting the lungs yet. But doc said his nose is not clearing up as much as she would like so she gave a different set of meds.
He was coughing quite badly on Friday night and threw up phelgm 3 times that night. Gave a call to the doc on Sat to let her know cos i was wondering if the throwing up was related to the new meds. She assured me that it wasn't the meds but asked me if he was wheezing. Didn't think he was at that stage but she told me that if he started wheezing to call her back that night.
Perhaps he was too tired out so he went to bed early... by about ten, i could hear that his breathing was a bit loud. Told myself, let's see how it is like in the morning.
But lunchtime Sunday, i told the Big One.. the Little One doesn't look that good. Plus there was a werid rash on his backside that i only noticed after the doc visit on Friday and the rash was spreading. Wanted to put my mind at ease so i called Doc's emergency number and she very promptly called back. She said better to check him out. So we had an appointment to see her at 1plus at Eastshore. Quickly finished the lunch and went there.
One check from her-yes, he is wheezing and better to admit him for nebulizer treatment. Well, this doc doesn't believe in allowing parents to neb their kids at home and i knew it from a long time back. So it dind't quite come as a total suprise to me..but was quite sad cos it was going to be his 2nd birthday on Tuesday and i certainly did not envisage that he would be celebrating it in hospital! Had planned a birthday party for him in school and all! But all those plans had to be postponed.
it was good to go home.. cos it meant he was better and i didn't have to endure holding him down for any more neb sessions (he nearly boxed a nurse and broke the neb tube). He truely hates the thing!
It is our 2nd stay in East shore and the nurses which looked after him when he was first hospitalised at 2 months old, are still there! in the same ward :) it was nice cos they were all so friendly and helpful! The Little One even made some new friends with the other kids in the ward and he grew particularly attached to this little baby (15 days old) who was there with a high fever. The Little One would say 'baby baby go" and that meant he wanted to visit little baby. So sweet right?
Moral of the story - kids get sick fast and it can get worse quick. Am glad that i trusted my instincts to bring him to the doc on sunday. and double glad that he is all right now!
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