Tuesday, April 27, 2010

All well and good.. back to school and his terrible twos

This week is quite significant for me as the mummy of the Little One.

First the simple things, he is all well and given the all clear to go back to school last week but mummy wanted to keep him at home for another week so that he will be all well and good. He went back to school this week and only for 1/2 first :) He has regained all the weight that he has lost and is back to his usual bak bak self.

Second, yesterday was the first day of weaning.. yes, for those who do not know, the Little One (OMG!) was still nursing. Only for comfort cos he obviously eats enough and drink lots. I was waiting for him to self-wean but as his 2nd birthday drew closer and past, he was still nursing and in fact enjoyed it a lot. So yes, after bf-ing him for so long, it was a decision that mummy took to wean him starting from yesterday morning. He had his last sip on Monday morning and it has been more than 36 hours now. I think i miss it more than he does. Mummy told him that the boobies were hot and had to resort to applying vinger on the breast but when he took a sip of it, he said "hot" and promptly closed my t-shirt! This morning, he ask to nurse again but i told him, its hot and then he said "ok".

Why did i suddenly choose to stop.. it partially has got to do with his terrible twos.. On Sunday, he was throwing a tantrum and started crying.. he was yelling for "ne ne" which is his word to nurse and i didn't want to give in. I know that it has been his usual comfort tool, but i knew that it was high time he learnt to be comforted in other ways. He was yelling for it..and i knew that i had to stand my ground.

So, i did my research and braced myself for all the crying and yelling.. thankfully day 1 seems to have gone well. i hope that day 2 will be even smoother.

It represents his journey (well, in my eyes) as being a big boy now. It has been sometimes crazy with his struggles and "no nos" to everything but i hope that we can go through this together!

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