A bit on the morning nap bit - He has stopped taking his morning nap for a week now. it has been so so difficult to get him to nap, like having to pat him for 1 hour, that even sari gave up. And yes, sari has always been the most patient of all the adults at home. Given that she also started fasting this week for her new year, its also good that the boy "converted" to only 1 nap a day, but a much longer one.. around 2 plus hours.
Back to the Saturday.. since he no longer needs a nap, we decided to bring him out for some outdoor play, to get him to run around and exhaust all that bountiful energy! So off to the gardens we went :) blessed with good weather . First stop - koi pond at the entrance of the gardens.
The Little One was clearly excited about the fishes. He can now say the word "fish".. though it comes out more like "phish" and he would point to the fishes and go "phish" and even recognizes them in the storybooks that we read him. He wanted to go into the pool.. but stopped in time.

Now that he can walk quite well, he usually wants to walk on his own, with us just holding his hand. The Big One likes this picture cos he says it shows love :) The Little One has this habit of wanting to walk over the metal grills over the drains. Think that its probably becos of the sound it generates when he walks over it. So yes, even at the Botantic Gardens, we got dragged around in search of noisy drains.We were lucky enough to spot the swans this time around. Didn't manage to catch any during our 1st visit. We were just sitting near the pond, next to this lovely lady.. minding our own business. Next think i know, the lady was offering some bread to the Little One to feed the swans and without any minute of hesitation, he reached out his hand and grabbed it! Totally not shy at all! Happily he was holding on to the bread, then wondering why mummy was feeding it to the swans and not him, cos he stuffed some into his mouth when i was not looking! Yikes. maybe he was hungry.
When we ran out of bread, it was also time to head home. Had spent about 1 hour at the gardens and the noon sun was starting to get hot. Time for his afternoon nap too :) maybe will visit again soon..
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