We had to wait outside the clinic in case it really was HFM and had to entertain the boy by running up and down the ramp with him. One look by Dr Lim and thank goodness it wasn't HFM but she noticed that he was wheezing a bit.. sigh! I struggled with him through that neb session with him nearly boxing my face and everyone esle in the clinic hearing him wailing away. By then, the Big One had also arrived at the clinic.. thankfully! Saw Dr Lim again after the neb and she said the Little One was still a bit breathless.. since he was already on the whole course of antibotics and not recovering, she gave the verdict as "its probably H1N1 and he should be put on Tamiflu". Was worried about the side effects of giving it to him but the doctor reassured me that its safe. No choice right? Then the nurse told me that Tamiflu is quite bitter and he might throw up after taking it.. wah, like double whammy. Total bill=$150. Total bill for this whole episode = $500.
Luckily touchwood, he didn't reject the Tamiflu and he seems to be responding well to the medication. In all, he has 2 types of nose drops (Illdin and Beoptic), the normal cough and cold meds, was on the liquid ventolin for opening his airways and when that was no longer effective, he upgraded to Bambec. Then there is the expensive singular to protect his lungs. He was on two courses of antibotics- augmentin and zithromax.
That plus throwing up frequently cos there was phelgm stuck in the throat.. he is positively skinner.. no more extra baby fats. Even his face looks slimmer. Poor boy! Was remarking to Sari that he use to have this extra pad of fats on his foot, like a little bao, and even that is gone. I went to get some probiotics to help after all that medication.
After another bout of coughing today, i noticed that he had a strand of hair sticking out of his nose.. was wondering if it was his nose hair. The Big One told me to pull it out.. was tuging at it when it came out.. and... (okie picture isn't very clear)
Anyways, since he is ill, we can't bring him anywhere so its like mega activity time at home. And he recently started liking to draw with his crayons. Today, he formed a letter 'A', with help from the Big One :)
The bottom ones in red are done by the Little One! In August, he will be 16 months old.. and now he can:
1. Shake his hands to gesture 'no more'
2. Shake your hand
3. Gesture hi-5
4. Recognize the tune "london bridge is falling down" and play along with you
5. Calls his carebear "bear bear"
6. Hates bath time now especially washing his hair.. so have to shower him now
7. Can walk up 1 step by his own
8. Climb a flight of steps using the railings
9. Blow kisses (but don't know why he touches the side of his face instead of his mouth)
10. Open and close lids of containers (is totally fasinated by it)
11. Pull along his doggie toy and sometimes talks to the dog.
Hmm, don't remember anymore but i am sure there is..will add on later.
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