Joining my paella is the Big One's thai squid salad :) its super yummy and its his 2nd try. His salad recipe was courtesy of our family friend, M. M is a super cook and each time he brings back steaks, we would make a troop down to his place and really feast for the night.
Anyways, i digress.. the paella was a seafood one, with a recipe from one of my many cookbooks. Had wanted to cook on Saturday.. partially because both me and the Big One have always enjoyed cooking and also to give Sari a break from the cooking chores. Must say that my maiden attempt wasnt too bad except that the squid was a bit overdone (still trying to master the timing of how the ingredients should be added) and not all of my mussels seemed to get cooked. We polished the whole pan up! heheh.. and also gave some to my neighbour who was having a japanese stew party that night. So far no complains from them so i think it should be okie bah.
Will be cooking this saturday again :) will hunt down a new recipe to try!
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