Sunday, April 10, 2011


Can you spot Justin?? He is the lion head!

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Hubby favourite pic!

Love his smiles in the morning ;) but he can pout too!

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Button's 3rd month birthday

Family picture taken during baby button's 3rd month birthday ;) we have this tradition of celebrating their month birthdays but we forgot about jason's 2 month date..;(

Justin seems so big next to the baby!

Jason is growing well and starting to get quite heavy. He still likes to be rocked to sleep (which baby doesn't) but after the koala Justin experience, I have come to terms with it and hey, if it gets him down for a nap, why not? Anything goes!

In his sleepy state, he will latch on, so now at times I will latch him. But he still doesn't stay on the breast long enough to be full. He is mainly bottle fed with my ebm
;) hoping that my supply continues to stay strong!

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3 days before you turn three

You will be a big 3 years old in 3 days time!

As I cuddled you to bed tonight, I got reminded of how small you were, not so long ago and just how big you are now! In the first 3 months of this year, you have grown by leaps and bounds. Mummy is proud that you are now fully potty trained in the day and even during nap time. You have also learnt how to pull down your own pants while in the toliet. ;) well done!

You have also started speaking in longer sentences and even making up imaginary stories during our bedtime read along. During your play sessions, I have also noticed that you now talk very actively to your animals, sometimes even playing teacher with them! You love to say "wait Har... Okie okie" - I think you picked that up from mummy! And just yesterday, you said the word "shit" as in oh shit... Mummy and daddy both stared at you.

You have been the most wonderful brother, always happy to help entertain didi and throw his diapers. I love to see you kiss him, immediately after you walk through the door from school. It really warms my heart.

As big size as you are, you have to work at being more gentle at play. You dun mean too but when you get too excited, you push and hit your friends at school. You even bit one of them. The teachers have to watch you so closely. Mummy hopes that you learn better self control in this area.

We have planned 2 parties for you this year ;) one in school and the other at east coast! Hope that you will enjoy the cakes and the balloons!

As you turn a year older, mummy hopes that you continue to remain the sweet child that you are, telling me that you love me, and always raining hugs and kisses for everyone. Grow up well, be happy and healthy!

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